"Trainng the trainers" was the name of the conference, that took place in Bucha, August 12-13! it was a great training, that Nordic gave to AIESECers) There were 14 delegates from different LC and one great trainer Diana Kebas! Everyone loved her!! She is the kind of person, who gives all information in different ways and she makes us to want to take what she was giving us! And we took!
We learned how to work with group, how to control the level of your adrenalin, for it not to disturb you during the class! We even used our creativity to imagine the ideal trainer!!! Some of us were artists, some movie directors and some were sculptors! We brainstormed, disscused different topics and tryed ourselves as trainers!
At the very end we got sertificates and had a little connection and feadback time! We loved it!!!!
У вас там був трэнынг? Чи ви просто гнали Бэса!
і то і інше!!!! прикольно було! шкода тебе не було(((
да! а скока приколов, которые запомняться на долго!!!!
- кофта... которая растянулась
- сон в метро)
- фризби на Хрещатике
- суши и все с этим связаное
- команда "мотор"
- тренинг по корпоративной культуре)
- рейзинг маршруток
- уникальный айсекер
- метод изучения иностранного языка
- Славик и беременность Дианы))) лучше поздно чем никогла
- юбка и босоножки на платформе)
- и куча куча всего))))
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